The weekly mixtape of discoveries in slightly exaggerated headlines #6

The weekly mixtape of discoveries in slightly exaggerated headlines #6

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This week was of good reads and great music, so without any rumblings, straight to the point.

More about Paddington, Michael Bond

Michael Bond. More about Paddington

Although I liked the first book about Paddington, I wasn’t a fan of the story, as per se – it had its problems with the writing and the whole composition. The second book, however, proved to be much stronger without being overly sheepish and cheesy. Just a cosy little book to keep my soul warm and to make me genuinely laugh when I see “Puadigtun Brown, Lundun, England, Yurope”.

The Three-Body Problem, Liu Cixin

Liu Cixin. The Three-Body Problem

It’s been another year of my annual summer rereading of “The Three-Body Problem” by Liu Cixin. As all my friends know, I dearly love the first novel in the “Remembrance of Earth's Past” trilogy, but I have been greatly disappointed in the second one, so with all my rereads I’ve only gone through “The Three-Body Problem” (the first one, the chef’s kiss) without touching “The Dark Forest” (aka the second novel I was dissatisfied with) and “Death's End” (or a great one after the second one). This time, though, I’m determined to read the whole thing as I’m reading it for the first time in Russian.

Blacksad. Volumes 5 — Amarillo, Juan Díaz Canales & Juanjo Guarnido.

Amarillo, Juan Díaz Canales & Juanjo Guarnido. Blacksad, Amarillo

Volume 5 of Blacksad and this time the story revolcse around writers and how life turns to be a dime novel without making any sense. A great mockery of pulp fiction and mockery of mockery of pulp fiction. I’m in love.

Rush Deluxe, Måneskin

Måneskin. Rush Deluxe

Somewhere in the near future I plan to write about modern poetry and music lyrics, so I’ve been thinking of albums and songs I want to include – Måneskin for sure. In the upcoming instalments I will tell you all about my favourite songs by them from across the albums, but today let’s appreciate “Rush”. All the different emotions in both music and videos (with my special appreciation to all the beautiful typography in said music videos) take my soul to the right places of all the existential crises that there will ever be. And of course, I’m the one who loves “The Loneliest” to pieces with my believing it’s not about romantic love (or better, it is not only about romantic love). The one con is that there are only a few songs in Italian with the majority being in English, because nothing compares to their Italian songs.

Måneskin.The Loneliest

For now, I am off to read and watch and listen and live to write something and see you the next week.

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