The weekly mixtape #17

The weekly mixtape #17

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I was working this week, and, well, woking. Not much to tell you about when it comes to consumed media, but there’s still something fascinating.

Over the Garden Wall, Cartoon Network (2014)

Cartoon Network. Over the Garden Wall

I was avoiding watching this tv show for the longest, and this weekend I was forced by my dear friend to finally watch it as it is their favourite cartoon. I’d be lying if I told you I liked it because I’m a fan now. Great visuals, good pacing, awesome storytelling, perfect balance between dragging depression and bitter-sweet melancholy – everything is just excellent. Moreover, I’m a fan of Dante’s comedy, so, well, of course, Over the Garden Wall is very high on my list of favourite shows now.

Knee Socks, Arctic Monkeys

I did write about Arctic Monkeys the last time. However, this week I was animating listening to Knee Socks on repeat for hours straight. The bit aligns pretty well with the animation I’ve been doing, so it made my work more enjoyable.

Портрет трагедии, Иосиф Бродский

В очередной раз скажу, что очень люблю стихи Бродского, в очередной раз скажу, что перечитывала некоторые из них недавно. Портрет трагедии как был при первом его прочтении мною замечательным, так замечательным и остался.

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