The weekly mixtape #16

The weekly mixtape #16

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This week wasn’t about consuming media as I didn’t watch anything nor did I read anything. However, there’s been something interesting.

The God Forsakes Antony, Constantine P. Cavafy

Cavafy. The God Forsakes Antony

Well, I lied a bit when I said I read nothing this week. The only reading was The God Forsakes Antony by Constantine P. Cavafy as I’d got a book of his as a birthday present from my dear friend, who said it was their favourite poem. I am yet to read the whole poem collection; however, the thing I’m sure about is that there’s something about English poem translations that irks me tremendously.

Artic Monkeys

My consensus is that Arctic Monkeys’ music is a very specific type of vibe (sleeping in the car after a long day while your comfort person is driving in the dark and that type of jazz), which I gravitate towards approximately seldom. Notwithstanding, this week I was working on numerous projects, and when I work I listen to the same five songs ~9489469476897 times in a row, and it happened to be Arctic Monkeys this week. I don’t know, there’s this dragging feeling of nostalgia to their music (even if you listen to their songs for the first time).

Moho 14, Lost Marble


Lost Marble. Moho 14.2

I’ve spent the entire week working in Moho by Lost Marble, and I will be raving about it for a long time. A software I had to pick up for work, but it makes me want to do animation again. Generally speaking, just an awesome app for rigging and 2D animation made with animators in mind. If my hyper fixation doesn’t shift very quickly this time, who knows, maybe I will animate something for myself and share it afterwards.

There’s also been some graphic design related work this week, but well, perhaps I should leave for the next time.

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